
Adidas Yoga Mat


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Starting Yoga - Why You May Want To Consider Yoga
...class at a local gym or Yoga studio. If you want a cheaper and more convenient option, you can get a Yoga DVD which will guide you through your Yoga workouts at home. The advantage of a Yoga DVD is that you can do it at home on your own time. However, going to a class will allow you to ask questions and will all...more
Turning Workplace Stress into a Simple Stretch
...e anxiety, stress and fatigue. • Improve mental alertness. • Tune your mind into your body.Here is a simple stretch you can try right now.Crescent Stretch• Stand with your feet parallel, about hip width apart. • Raise arms overhead interlacing fingers (chest open, shoulders back) • Exhale, reaching your hands to the right. • Take 3 long slow breaths (while reachin...more
Four Easy Ways To Learn Yoga
...l listings for times and program.Books: It is always advisable to get a few good books about anything you are involved with. The more knowledge you have about a subject, the better you can understand your yoga practice and why doing things a certain way is important. With a discipline like Yoga it is good t...more
The Spirit of Compassion
...truggles to the beautiful lotus flower that blossoms only by dwelling in the muddy waters. Empathy does not entail taking on someone's else karma, but it does ask us to dive deep into our hearts and tap into that wellspring of compassion so that we may make choices that go beyond our own needs and take action that is in service of others- cho...more
Feel Great with Bikram Yoga
...well as improving your health. Some of these benefits can be contributed to the use of heat while performing the posture series.With the help of a heated room, you are able to get into your postures better, and your muscles stretch more readily. In a heated room you will also find that you will lose weigh...more
