
Iyengar Yoga In Houston 2c Tx


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How To Use Yoga In Your Weight Loss For Great Results
...ease your energy level.Helping to stimulate the metabolism is combining the various back bends with the forward bends. The poses that affect the neck region can be helpful in stimulating the thyroid if the weight problem is caused by a hormonal imbalance. Camel, rabbit, plow, bridge and head stand are the poses that will help the most. ...more
A Relaxed Mind And Body For Concentration
...nel to corporate sector, to maintain a strong mind and body. A lot of stress is applied on the mind and body of an individual due to variety of reasons. They include stress on account of work, interpersonal relationships, family commitments and other factors. All these have to be overcome to make sure that the performance of the individual.There are several techniques to provide relief...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Yoga Posture – Reclining Hero Posture
...e floor between their feet.In Sanskrit language, ‘Supta’ means reclining or lying down; ‘Vira’ means hero and ‘Asana’ means pose or posture, hence the name - Reclining Hero posture.The Reclining Hero posture has a remarkable effect on digestion and it is one of the yoga postures which can be done after eating.As a counter posture for Supta Virasana the ...more
Yoga For Stress Relief And Anxiety
...ent is clearer, as yoga breathing is practiced on a regular basis.Yoga breathing involves a range of deep, slow, rhythmic breaths. If you pay attention to your breath, when you are stressed, it will be irregular, shallow, nervous, and jagged. This happens involuntarily as a response to stress, but this rapid, shallow breathing actually amplifies stress levels.The result is a vicious cycle ...more
Yoga Off the Mat - A Lesson From the Ocean
...edge watching the wave relaxing into the ocean or sitting in traffic and giving the person who aggressively cuts in front of me a silent blessing instead of a curse... it is all yoga. It is not enough in this day and age to do yoga- the question is are we doing it well? Are we embodying Yoga? Are we living the teachings? Are we in the Flow?Be the wave... ...more
