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Choosing Yoga Clothing - Stop Posing!
...s and positions are correctly mastered from the very start of training. Why waste your time trying to learn on your own and probably getting it completely wrong? You need to achieve maximum benefit from each of your workouts so that it encourages you to continue and thus achieve the compound benefits from regular, methodical e...more
The Common Element Between the Six Branches of Yoga - Yoga
...ich branch of Yoga that they should study. They read a brief synopsis of each type and then go about trying to discern which one is the most appropriate for them. The fact is that all branches of Yoga overlap. They do so very naturally. Yoga is very natural. Whether you choose to direct your energies to the study of Hatha, Raja, Karma...more
Yoga: Three reasons you should not do Shoulderstand
...) to gain popularity are numerous ranging from releasing stress, flexibility to helping patient suffering from various disease. Although the initial objective of Yogasana (Yoga) in Raja Yoga was different, however the ability of yoga to help patient with various ailments is really praiseworthy.The Shoulderstand is called the Queen of all asa...more
Teaching Yoga To Students With Parkinson's Disease
...eople. A benefit of moving personal balance to the conscious mind is the result of more stability. In the mind of a person with Parkinson's, these unconscious functions have been damaged by the disease. Students with Parkinson's should focus primarily on bringing the functions of the body, to the forefront of the mind, during yoga practice.T...more
Lose Weight with Yoga
...ody more flexible, easier to move. Even before you start losing weight, yoga can make you look as if you’re thinner and more attractive by getting you to stand up straighter. Some people even claim that yoga has made them taller – one woman claims to have grown a full three inches! Of course, she didn’t really, but once she started to stand up straighter, people responded to her as if she were ...more
