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Scoliosis Exercise: Yoga as an Effective Option for Pain Relief
...n Effective Option for Pain Relief Scoliosis is a condition in which a person has side-to-side spinal curves in addition to the normal curves through which the lower portion of the human back curves inwards. The most effective remedy for such a condition is Scoliosis exercises. Although many exercises help in reducing the Scoliosis-r...more
Yoga And The Benefits Of Menopause: A Means to Obtain Relief From Menopause Symptoms
...isingly easy answer especially if you have been practicing yoga for several years. Yoga teaches you to experience your body. It teaches you to relax, to breathe, and to let the tension leave your body through meditation. It also helps you to strengthen your body's muscles.Imagine a room where you are alone, no children to disrupt your peace, and you...more
Hot Yoga - Bikram's Twenty Six
...tructors just ask that you do your best to stay in the room for the entire time." What? Were we still talking yoga here? I'd seen pictures. Sure, I might not be able to balance on one leg while holding the other one over my head at my first try, but come on. How hard could it be to stretch as far as I could go and stop there? Why would I get desperate to leave the room?Her next su...more
Yoga for Fun and Profit
...ress could be modified to be more forgiving for yoga poses. Men must wear loose fitting track pants and t-shirt. This is more conducive to rigorous physical activity. It must be noted that everywhere the students of the yoga instructors course can be identified by their uniform.As attendance is strict, s...more
An Alternative to Aging
...f strength and flexibility we feel after perhaps a long period of dormancy. The process of moving comfortably into and out of the poses, maintaining a consistent breathing rhythm and focusing the mind is our process of tuning into the flow of our own life energy. Patience is required, but that flow of life is as surely there within us as it is in nature's springtime. It...more
