
Sports Equipment Fithouse Fitness Equipment Yoga


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What Should You Look for in a Yoga Teacher Training Correspondence Course?
...itation, doshas, mudras, bandhas, Shatkarmas, Yogic philosophy, basic Sanskrit, Yogic relaxation techniques, and much more.To train instructors about warm-ups, Sun Salutations, proper posture, alignment, cueing, and assisting, is a good start, but there is much to learn. Some certification courses, for Yoga instructors, focus on physical fitness, only. Yet, the International minimum standard fo...more
The Second Chakra, The Dwelling Place of the Self
...All liquids in the body - the circulation of blood, urine, menstruation, tears;¥ Hips, sacrum, low back; and¥ Kidneys.When the second chakra is balanced, our emotions flow easily like water, we are cool headed and vibrant at the same time. With a balance in the lower chakras, especially the root chakra and second chakra, we are connected to o...more
A Review Of Yoga For Pregnant Women
... at Yoga website and search for a center near you. If you'd rather practice alone, some videos that focus on it for pregnancy include:- Yoga Journal's Prenatal Yoga with Shiva Rea; - Dr. Christine Anderson's Dynamic Prenatal Yoga; - Prenatal Yoga: A Complete Home Practice For A Healthy Mother and Baby; - Yoga Journal and Lamaze present Yoga For Your Pregnancy and; - Prenatal Yoga Complete.Yo...more
Yoga Instructor Salary - Is Money Evil?
...ave no idea, but if you want to teach free classes, there will be a never-ending line to your studio door. The trouble is: How will you keep the lights on and the doors open?If you think it is bad to take money for teaching Yoga, that's fine. Please save yourself the trouble of opening a Yoga studio, be...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Don't Forget Beginners
...eats, when performing Yoga postures. Yoga has pranayama, mudras, mantras, doshas, meditation, relaxation, chakra awareness development, and much more. There is no doubt that you will be a safe Yoga teacher, when you have concerns about contraindications for Yoga postures. The safety factor is a more important aspect for a Yoga teacher, than a gymnastic "circus ac...more


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