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The Purpose of Yoga - Creating the World From Within
....Here is a hint: People will give anything and everything to possess it, but it is illusive, a rare find, and not easy to hold onto. In a “nutshell,” it is “happiness.” As a matter of fact, happiness is the number one objective of humankind, but how can Yoga help you find it, and why is happiness so illusive?Many people are looking for happiness, but they get distracted by the...more
Muscle Fitness - Can Yoga Make You Stronger?
...While you are not likely going to produce the bulked up muscles of some weight lifters, you will certainly increase your muscle strength.Many poses in yoga are done very slowly or you stay in the posture for several breaths. It is much more challenging to your muscles to hold a pose or do it slowly than it is to allow momentum to move you through an act...more
Yoga in Practice: Ten Solutions for Depressed Yoga Students, Part 3
... a matter of fact, Ujjayi Pranayama will instill confidence.If Yoga students practice Ujjayi Pranayama, with an Asana sequence such as Sun Salutations or a Vinyasa series, they will conquer mild depression and develop new found confidence in themselves.There are many more Yogic solutions for anyone to get rid of depression and gain confidence in his or her self, but these ten methods are fami...more
Yoga Off the Mat - A Lesson From the Ocean
... San Ysidro Ranch in Santa Barbara. One of the many rich and beautiful moments was when I was sitting with my student by the ocean. It was not a 'scheduled' session time but in a single moment I looked out at the ocean and he turned to me with a quizical 'what are you thinking?' expression on his face and right there the teaching, the yoga, emerged. Sitting by the ocean's edge gazing into inf...more
Learning Yoga Postures For Increased Health And Vitality
.... So stay safe by utilizing the guidance of a medical professional.Yoga postures can be your tool through every stage of your life; keeping you fit both physically and mentally. Take the time to get to know yoga postures intimately so that you can determine what works best for your body and mind. Your reward will be a lifetime of vivacity; it’s the exercise world’s answer to a fountain of youth...more
