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Insider Secrets to the Business of Teaching Yoga, Part 3
...Grow Rich by Napoleon HillZig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale by Zig ZiglarI can hear some of you now. “I want to teach Yoga, not learn how to sell cars.” Personally, I never bought a car from a salesperson I didn’t like. Think about that, the next time you show a prospective Yoga student around your studio.When human contact is involved in the selling process, p...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Overcoming Fear
...erself, no solution, not even Yoga, will help.Worry, fear, stress, and anxiety, are ingredients which work together to drain life energy from all of us. If we allow worry, fear, stress, and anxiety, to control our lives, we can create a negative cycle of energy which will shorten our life spans. Yoga offers solutions to all of these problems - witho...more
Practice Yoga As A Lifestyle And Share The Secret Of Positive Energy
...eople in cold climates will want to heat their food during the colder seasons. Consuming cold food in a cold climate, over long periods of time, can take the pleasure out of eating.Another Yogic method for cultivation of positive energy is to keep the passion for life going. Your work, hobbies, interests, and talents, can be interwoven to help others and give you satisfaction. All you have t...more
Great Yoga Information
... that will help you to shed some pounds is called vinyasa-style yoga. This is based on a series of poses called sun salutations. Vinyasa uses a few yoga styles which will make you sweat and get your heart pumping. For the purpose of weight loss you could try these yoga types:AshtangaThis is good for weight loss as it is a very vigorous...more
Yoga in Practice: Ten Solutions for Depressed Yoga Students, Part 3
...hould have a few “go to” Pranayama techniques for daily stress and some for severe stress.Ujjayi Pranayama would be the first selection; translated to English this means, “victory or victorious breath.” Therefore, it is no accident that this particular Pranayama will purge depression and inner fears. As a matter of fact, Ujjayi Pranayama will instill c...more
