
Yoga Dvd Review


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Is Yoga a Myth?
...t fool who’s been performing mythical yoga for decades? Is yoga then not some kind of trashy art form that has millions of people duped into practicing it? A perplexed reader posted this question in Yahoo! Answers [quoted in full]:Recently Sri Vedathri Maharishi, who founded ‘World Community Service Center’ passed away due to Heart Attack at the age of 96. H...more
Sweatin' with the Yogis
... suitable name. A seated, or better yet, squatting pose with knees bent and buttocks near the heels. To add difficulty, all this is done on the balls of your feet with arms held straight out in front. By the second repetition my thighs and upper arm muscles felt hotter than the room.Toe Stand Pose: It looks more awkward than the awkward pose. This time squa...more
Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Yoga Teaching Service, Part 4
...yal and will allow you to remain a Yoga teacher for years to come. You will have time to pursue Yogic knowledge, due to the loyalty of your Yoga students. Never take your Yoga students for granted, abuse them in any way, or adopt an air of superiority. Everyone is good at something, and we have to keep the big picture in perspective: A Yoga teacher ...more
How to Shift Gears, Change Careers, and Become a Yoga Teacher, Part 2
...ass on Monday evening, at the usual time.You have family visiting and explain that there is no Yoga class tonight. Now, you feel uncomfortable because your forgetful Yoga student does not remember it is a holiday, until you tell him or her. Do you think this could never happen? Think again, and you would be surprised how m...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Prana and Pranayama
... a method to alter Prana at a level, in which the human mind can easily comprehend. Pranayama is Yoga’s answer to regulating Prana, with the breath.In Yoga, Pranayama can be used to heal in times of need. Pranayama is useful for stress, grief, anxiety, nervousness, and many more ailments, which plague mankind, but Pranayama should be learned with the guidance of...more
