
Yoga Dvd 3 Pack


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Yoga for Stress Relief - Learn Some Simple Techniques
...floor with your knees out and soles of the feet touching - like a butterfly. Keeping your back straight and holding your feet, slowly raise and lower your knees several times. Then, lean forward from your hips. Hold this pose for a few minutes while breathing normally.If you don't have time for a full routine of yoga for stress relief, try deep breathi...more
Yoga - Torture Or A Holistic Holiday?
...UK, India, Nepal and Italy for the past 14 years. The classes taught cover the physical teachings of Hatha Yoga with emphasis on the Spiritual and Holistic aspects of the yoga tradition in general. Yoga classes include Asanas (Physical Movements), Pranayama (Breathing practices), Meditation (Stilling and Calming of the mind & inner self) and Relaxation (Complete mind, body ...more
The Therapeutic and Spiritual Secrets of Yoga Gurus; relaxing; thinking and meditation; and diet.Nowadays; Yoga is used as an alternative therapy, because of its healing powers, e.g. backache healing, headaches; …etc, and this is supported by many physicians, who are aware of Yoga's benefits and effectiveness. They already recommend it to their patients, so that they would benefit from its healing powers, plus its relaxa...more
Yoga and Spirituality
...65 (the baby) to a 100 year-old. In a very enthusiast manner they explained to me what “yoga in chair,” as it is normally known, meant.It is basically a practice that involves a series of gentle movements and postures that are supposed to enhance flexibility, breathing, posture and circulation. These women expressed how they enjoyed this class and the physical and emotional ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Should a Yoga Teacher be a Vegetarian? wrong?Firstly, let’s step back a second. What you were taught about your religion and diet should be followed. This is for your spiritual health. You will feel more at ease, and you can live with it. Maybe Yoga teachers, and the world, could be a little more conscious of meat consumption and its consequences.Due to the cultures people are raised in, they are used to ...more
