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Yoga Mats
...ton or jute, but these days, many other materials are being used for yoga mats. The main aspects to be considered while buying a yoga mat are: the durability, the comfort, weight and ability to fold. A major essential element in a yoga mat is its ability to grip the floor so that the user does not slip or slide on the floor during the posture. Yoga mats are generally 4-5...more
Yoga is Like Sex
...ed and balanced, that give you the best stretch and honors your body's limits... that is your perfect pose.Secondly, yoga is a process of unfoldment. The symbol of yoga is the Thousand Petaled Lotus that keeps opening its petals deeper and deeper toward its center. Every time you do a pose, it will be a bit different, you'll do it at a d...more
Bikram Yoga
...s so much more...The physical benefits are only a small part of why I love Bikram Yoga so much. It is a "practice" to truly "master oneself" - mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. It's about "being present" and finding stillness, and reducing the chatter in the mind. "Being present" isn't easy for most of us, and particu...more
Your Perfect Yoga Retreat
...rm sands with the sound of the ocean's waves cresting upon one another. Breezy palm trees rustle overhead and their shadows offer refreshing shelters. I am far from the office, the phone calls, the expectations others' harbor of me. These are long gone and far out of mind. I am relaxed, warm, at peace and loving life.Your d...more
Your Yoga Practice - 7 Guidelines For The Ultimate Beneficial Yoga Experience
...ld be quiet and still. So that your mind doesn't wander it's a good idea to choose the same spot for your yoga practice each time. If you're familiar with the spot, you won't be focusing on unnecessary things which will leave your mind free to focus on your practice.If you choose to practice outside in the open air, then try not to practice in a cold breeze or conversely under the hot sun. ...more


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