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Niche Marketing - Three Successful Business Models
...o set up and requires almost zero maintenance once it's up and running. It also provides safety in numbers, because if one of your sites fails you still have income from all the others.On the downside this can be quite an expensive model as each niche you target will require a domain name and hosting for each website unless you have a hosting...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Inspiration and Goals
... their spirits? What causes some Yoga practitioners to raise their vision, so easily? Let’s look at the secret and formula of inspiration.Firstly, everyone needs goals of some kind. Goals serve us as measured bench marks of our personal progress in life. If our life is to have meaning, and purpose, we have to pursue a goal that has worth and go after it.Does...more
Yoga Accessories- Getting What You Really Need are some items that are basic and which can help you be more comfortable and safer in your practice.Standard Yoga AccessoriesClothing Your clothing should be comfortable and breathable and allow you to move freely. You don’t want anything that is going to get in the way of your movements or that will bunch up or create a distraction. For instance, oversized, loose fitting tee shirts can f...more
Yoga Meditation 101: Breath Awareness and Posture
...tive to meditation, and is not helpful for proper breathing. Many beginning Yoga students may have difficulty sitting straight, without a back rest. Some cultures have no difficulty sitting on the floor, while others sit in chairs, or on furniture, which brings them off the floor; and these Yoga students ...more
Your Mental Energy Sphere - Book Review
... steps that will ensure their own satisfaction in life.Your Mental Energy Sphere is certainly an upbeat and educational publication. I recommend it to anyone looking for something that they just can’t quite reach. For any seeker of understanding, any person that is reaching for contentment in life – this book may bring the inspiration they need.ISBN#: 1-4...more


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