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Yoga at the Office: Improving Your Body and Mind
... out of the way so you can place your hands on your desk and walk back into L-pose to elongate your spine, wiggle your tail, don't forget to breath, and have fun as your stagnant energy starts to move, making more space for vitality to support rejuvenation and restore your spirit. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT SPECIFIC OFFICE YOGA SEQUENCES TO DO AT YOUR DESK - CHECK OUT OUR SPECIALITY WORKS...more
A Review Of Yoga For Pregnant Women
..." "the triangle," "the warrior," "the tree yoga," "the standing side stretch" and "the standing spread leg forward bend" will all provide relaxing and satisfying stretches. During this time, you may perform poses that require you to lay on your back, but you should avoid back and belly poses into the next trimester.In the second and third trimesters, practice time sho...more
Foundations of Yoga: Yama and Niyama, Part 1
...observance that will develop and release those powers to be used toward our spiritual perfection, to our self-realization and liberation.These ten restraints (yama) and observances (niyama) are not optional for the aspiring yogi-or for the most advanced yogi, either. Shankara states quite forcefully that "following yama and niyama is the...more
Yoga For Shoulder Pain - 3
... alignment and lack of awareness to the scapular region leads to chronic neck and shoulder pain. This article offers guidance in applying correctional cues in your Yoga Class to reduce and/ or eliminate these chronic conditions.The arms (bicep, tricep, deltoid) and back (rhomboid, levator, latissimus dorsi and trapezius) need to be toned and strong to be healthy and pain free.Your home practic...more
Hatha Yoga – A Crowd Favorite
...ce with yourself in the moment. That is what Hatha yoga poses are intended to do for you.Hatha has been in practice for over 600 years. Longevity like that is rare even in yoga, and can be a sign of success and true belief. If you are considering this form of yoga as for yourself, then remember: never ...more


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