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Svadhyaya - Niyama of Self-Study
...e practitioner, then this is a lesson in futility.This same person will likely be able to focus his or her mind by performing a physical activity. If it is Asana, Pranayama, Sun Salutations, walking, or knitting, who are we to criticize? We do not all have the same outlook on life. So, the solution is to find the specific activity,...more
Yoga and the Breath
...ausing between breaths will allow you to relax even further in yoga. No need to rush through your relaxation.* When you breathe, feel the oxygen in the lungs and visualize it reaching every extremity, every toe and finger. Let your whole body enjoy the relaxing breath in your yoga practice.When you learn how to breathe, you will fin...more
Teaching Yoga - A Great Job, Even in a Tough Economy
...has always been fun, but many prospective interns ask, “Does it pay?” These people work “regular hours” and have a little bit of job security. At the very least, they know what they will earn this week; at a time when job security has become a myth.Becoming a Yoga teacher is a big investment - while families are struggling to avoid foreclosures. Unfortunately, famil...more
Just a Little Glimpse of Realization!
...rward, to return to that Absolute. This being granted, the question is: Which is better, the absolute or this state?Life invariably draws its meaning from a higher existence. Let us try to understand this: A tree grows out from a single seed, though it has many leaves. A seed, in itself has no meaning...more
Yoga Teacher Guidelines for Assisting, Part 2
...nently close. It does not matter if you win, or lose, if you have to pay an attorney to defend you. The cost of a legal defense is “staggering.”Now let’s get back to assisting. As a Yoga teacher, you should also get verbal permission each time you touch a student for a physical assist. So, it is always wise to ask before making an adjustment to an alignment.Have you ever had an assist that ...more


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