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5 Tips on Choosing a Yoga Mat
...many many hours. Get something you'll like!2. Don't go straight to the budget aisle - yoga mats are going to take a lot of beating from your practice, so you'll want something that lasts. Most mats aren't that expensive in general - you can get a good one for around $20-$30. Make sure that the mat is sturdy, easy to clean, and won't tear or rip the minute you get it out of the box.1. Your pe...more
Novice Guide To Yoga
...a very strange practice. Doing yoga has many benefits and as you read this article, you will learn more about yoga and the benefits of beginning yoga.Points I cover in this article: * History of yoga * Benefits of yoga * Beginning yogaHistory of Yoga The history of yoga dates back to the Upanishad's. The Upanishad's a part of the Veda's and form part of th...more
The History of Yoga
...of yoga practiced today.The Yoga Sutra outlined the eight limbs of yoga as follows: the yamas (restraints), niyamas (observances), asana (postures), pranayama (breathing), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), dharana (concentration), dhyani (meditation), and samadhi (absorption).There are many branches of yoga. In Raja yoga the...more
Prana Yoga Clothing - A Review
...ntour. At the same breath, one shouldn't get misled that everyday clothes can suffice for yoga as is the case with climbing pants or any climbing gear.Look at some of the features. Prana clothing like pants and shirts need not be heavy and protective, so the fabric will be of, usually, nylon and spandex blended in favor of nylon. Yogo clothes may have a heavier inclination in favor of nylon...more
Kids Yoga: Enhanced Goal Setting Techniques
...s, and finally, supine postures. At this point, children will look forward to meditation or relaxation.This is just one example of a way to arrange your lesson plan for children who attend Yoga classes. Children of various age groups will look at Yoga class differently. As a general guideline, children wh...more


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