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Why Chair Yoga
...ies, in the average senior center.Back to Chair Yoga: It goes by a variety of different names and is sometimes mixed with other forms of exercise, within the same class, such as: weight resistance, low-impact aerobics, Chair Pilates, and Tai Chi.Some of the many names associated with these classes are: Stretch, Stretch and Tone, Senior Yoga, W...more
Hatha Yoga
...ion to cancer.In addition to postures, Hatha Yoga incorporates moral tenants, breath control practices and meditation, all toward attaining the yoga ideal of union and flow with the energetic harmonics of the universe. The unblocking and balancing of subtle body energies in yoga is a primary goal. Hence the yoga term "hatha" comes from the two Sanskrit ro...more
Giving the Inner Sanctum Its Own Room - Create a Yoga Room for Your Home
...e physical aspect of yoga has gained increasing popularity in the North America. Most students who practice yoga to do so at yoga studios, but often devotees desire a space to practice their yoga at home. If you are considering setting up a room for yoga, you do not need to do any major overhauls that wi...more
The Health Benefits Of Yoga
...rious ways on the different parts of the body. The revitalization and manipulation of the organs for example, in turn helps us by repelling sickness and providing a forewarning at the first conceivable instance of a most likely outbreak of disease or health problem.An example of the complex benefits ...more
With Yoga, Getting Slim And Trim Is Now Easier Than Before
...s lower than the calorie usage, your body will start burning fat cells to acquire the needed energy.Different back bends, coupled with frontward bends, are meant to stimulate metabolism. Poses that touch the isthmus area, where the thyroid gland is situated, are especially valuable as weight problems are sometimes caused by a hormonal imbalance...more
