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The Truth About Christian Yoga
...j, or Yoke, was used to tie two wild horses together to a chariot. To think about this a little deeper, the Yuj held together two wild horses, a chariot, a driver, and an archer, to create an ancient weapon, which worked in complete unison.Most often, you will hear Yoga means "union." In the spiritual sense, there is the union of your soul with God. Now, is that evil? Mo...more
The Yoga Posture That Nearly Kills Me - But May Save Me
...hat the back bend is good for me, but it also kills me. In my Ashtanga Yoga class, we do the wheel three times for five deep breaths each. In between each series, we go down onto the crown of the head to reposition our hands and feet.I can do the first round pretty easily (Okay, easily is a serious overstatement, but relative to...more
Know Your Yoga
... in pain, feel inadequate, or are pushing yourself too far too fast.It is a general rule to attend yoga in a empty of almost empty stomach. You will feel better partaking in the yoga experience with only juice, tea, or coffee in your stomach. Anything extra may result in the inability to fully execute...more
Yoga for a Healthy You
...ever advisable to get training from a certified practitioner. Yoga relives stress and is relaxing. For stress related disorders, yoga offers a complete remedy. In addition to its various health benefits, learning yoga breathing and putting it to practice regularly ensures that you burn fat quickly.Once you start making progress in your ability to do yoga poses or asanas you will ...more
The Top Five Benefits of Yoga Exercise
...trengthening the muscles of your body but also making them flexible enough to protect you from injury as you exercise.2. Yoga also helps increase your energy level. There is an emphasis on increasing the oxygen level in your blood while doing yoga exercises, and that in turn leads to a more energetic overall feeling. And because of the increas...more


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