
Certification For Yoga Pilates


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Certification For Yoga Pilates Information


What Exactly is Alternative Therapy and How Does It Boost Your Health and Well-being?
...ractices and therapies view illness as a warning that your system is out of balance. Many of these practices work on you at different levels, especially your subtle energy body.It's all about re-balancing your mind and body so that it works properly once again. It's a 'whole'-istic view rather than a piecemeal view.Maybe that's why modern medicin...more
More Benefits of Yoga
...l encourage a sluggish thyroid to produce more hormones and speed up your metabolism. Fat metabolism will increase – that means the fat in your body will slowly be converted to muscle – your muscle tone will improve!The deep breathing exercises of yoga increase the levels of oxygen in your body – this is also a key factor in weight lo...more
The Westernization of Yoga or Why Stretching & Flexibility is Not Yoga
... practice of 5 Restraints: Non-Harming, Truthfulness, Non-Stealing, Self-Restraint and Non-Possessiveness. The second is the practice of the 5 Observances: Purity, Contentment, Austerity, Self- Study and Surrender to God. (Notice there are 10, as in the 10 Commandments).The concept behind this is that since the practice of the Yoga Asanas does make you H...more
Yoga Insights: Walking Yoga Meditation
...a safe place for walking Yoga meditation. During day light hours a local park is a safe place you could try a walking Yoga meditation session. Walking across or through traffic would not be recommended.Although, it is very beautiful up north, during the foliage season, you would want to keep your awareness very keen. Bea...more
Teaching Yoga To Clients With Multiple Sclerosis
...pasms). Regular yoga practice also improves circulation and improves oxygen absorption in the brain. This means the brain is getting more of what it needs to perform. Increased circulation directly correlates with improved nerve function, body awareness, and overall well being.Students with MS should consult with their doctor for advice about which leve...more
