
Birkram Yoga Certification


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Birkram Yoga Certification Information


The Benefits of Pilates Exercises
...improve posture, create long, lean muscles, and reduce stress. Pilates exercises have evolved over the past 75 years.Through smooth, continuous motion, Pilates works multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Its focus is particularly on strengthening and stabilizing the abdominal region. Because Pilates focuses on quality o...more
What Is Ashtanga Yoga?
...s which signify Ashthanga Yoga are1. Yama - It reflects the moral and ethical grounds of human behaviorAhimsa: Non-violence Satya: Truthfulness Asteya: No stealing Brahmacharya: Celibacy Aparigraha: Non-covetousness or Envy or possessiveness2. Niyama - It reflects the disciplines one has to go through their...more
Yoga For Wrinkles?
... the skin.For thousands of years, yoga has helped countless people achieve physical and spiritual well-being through its unique exercise system that stretches and strengthens the body. Now promoters say it can also make you look younger.That may be good news to those who shun Botox and other expensive cosmetic procedures. The question is: does it work?Ask Annelise Hagen, a yoga in...more
Yoga Techniques
...f the day and anywhere you wish.Yoga techniques are helpful in maintaining your muscles, your joints and even your glands and other inner organs.The five yoga techniques include: 1. posture 2. Movement of Joints 3. Deep, controlled breathing 4. Relaxation 5. Meditation Each technique has it's own role and function. Some techniques suppo...more
Chair Yoga Case Study - Reduced Anxiety and Blood Pressure severe anxiety and other health issues, including high blood pressure.At first I was somewhat skeptical, but I kept coming to class and after 6 weeks I began to notice subtle shifts and benefits. Now if I am unable to attend class I really miss it. My anxiety kicks in and my depression worsens. The classes have become a social time for me and I have made some wond...more
