
Affa Yoga Certification


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Yoga and Knee Pain Solution
...age gradually decays and fails to provide the shock absorbing padding that cushions the bones). Orthopedic surgeons performed more than 1.2 million such surgeries in 1996 alone.Many older people suffer from this painful arthritic condition, however this knee pain is not only restricted to older people but healthy young people ar...more
Yoga in Practice: Anger Management - Part 1
...ll know that revenge is a result of anger - whether it is slow burning or instant.As I have mentioned before, Yoga does not stop when you roll up your Yoga mat. Most of what you take care of on your Yoga mat is the physical aspect of Yoga. This is a wonderful thing, but the rewards of your practice should be carried with you wherever you go.Very few of ...more
Take a Yoga Class - Five Solid Benefits You Can Experience from Yoga
...hen you leave.Some Yoga schools use a variety of methods to purge stress from the body, but the most common are Pranayama (breath techniques), Asana (posture), Mantra (sound), Meditation, and Relaxation Techniques. After a few classes, you will know what works and what does not.Positive Thinking is a by ...more
How to Borrow from Yoga for Weight Loss
...d for centuries by Yoga Practitioners in India, Martial Artists and African Wrestlers and as a system to rejuvenate the body and soul are beyond compare. It’s been said in the Drugless Healing circles that one round of the Sun Salutations is much better than a week of exercises at the gym!They are very simple to learn...more
The 8 Physical and Mental Types of Yoga
...t for people who have a strong back, or have successfully overcome back injuries and are looking for more challenging practice.Athletic people such as runners, cyclists and gynmasts who wish to add more balance and concentration to their routines are also fans of Ashtanga yoga.Bikram Yoga: Bikram yoga is also known as the "hot yoga" because it is done in a very warm roo...more
