
Moksha Yoga Exercises Books


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How Yoga and Cycling Fit Perfectly Together
...g the cyclist to push through pain, long hours on a skinny seat, breathe sufficiently in the thin oxygen and focus on narrow roads while descending.During a yoga session we learn to balance on one foot with our arms extended over our head in the tree pose. Poses like this help you have real sense of your body, gain stability, strength, and a quiet focus on your physical...more
Yoga and Neck Problems: What's the Risk?
... any Yoga exercises hurt at all, stop doing them immediately. I have yet to see a student, patient, or client, benefit from doing any Yoga pose that caused pain. To continue further on this point: Any treatment, of any kind, (Chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, or Yoga), should be with the go...more
Distance Learning Courses for Yoga Instructor Training
...e best Yoga certification program? The fact is many people cannot afford to leave their families, and employment, for weeks, or months, at a time. Many Yoga instructors outside of India are female, have children, work a full-time job, maintain a home, and some of these women are going to college at night.With this in mind, the concept of a distance learning Yoga instructor’s training c...more
Modern Benefits of an Ancient Practice seals, the Pashupati seal. He claimed that it represented a Shiva figure, though modern archaeologists dispute this. There is still debate on whether these seals represent yoga at all.Yoga is a 5,000 year old practice, but began appearing in Sanskrit texts much later. Some of these texts, called the Upanishads, out...more
Relaxation, Enhanced Health And Yoga For All - The Many Benefits Of Yoga That You Must Experience
...the unification of body, mind and spirit achieved through yoga. The belief that the mind and body are a unified structure is fundamental to yoga, and leads on to the belief that when the body is in harmony, healing can be achieved. These principles, and the many positive results obtained by yoga enthusiasts over the years, has led many doctors to believe that yoga has therapeutic...more


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