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Washing And Caring For Your Yoga Mat
...g certain measurements to extend its lifespan to the maximum can do this.First, do not consider that the term "proper care" only goes into effect after the mat is dirty and worn. Proper care begins when you begin using the Mat. Wherever your Yoga space is, always make certain that the floor is clean beforehand. ...more
Yoga and Losing Weight
... focused meditation, awareness, and visualization, allow you to seek out a healthier mental place for yourself. This also helps you to remember your own significance. No one can really make a beneficial life change without believing they are worth it.Certain poses stimulate the glands that help the body burn fat. The thyroid gland becomes stimulated when you perfor...more
Yoga Myth - Yoga is Not a Spiritual Practice
...tice for decades. A Yogi, or Yogini, has decided to continue his or her practice for life, because of the benefits.When we are young, we experience the physical aspects of life to their fullest potential. We challenge our bodies to their limits. No matter what age we are, being physically aware of our bodies, comes first. This same awareness happens in a cl...more
Who Would Take an Online Yoga Instructor’s Course and Certification Program?
...d not have a formal certification, or diploma, “to hang on the wall.”Independent study requires a lot of discipline to follow assignments through. A Hatha Yoga certification home study course is not something a novice would pick up and easily grasp. The many aspects of mantras, chakras, mudras, bandhas, doshas, Yamas, and Niyamas, without a foun...more
Yoga and Emotional Health for Longevity
...” and we know this must be true. Yet, how do we explain that “gut wrenching” feeling, we have, when we feel stress, anguish, or remorse?Let’s look at the sequence of events, which create extreme anxiety, and learn how Yoga can help your emotional health. Firstly, you receive a thought, which creates images, within your mind. If they are good, your heart feels fine, but if they are ...more


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