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Benefits of Chair Yoga - Part 4
...healthy body does, indeed, compliment a healthy mind.For those clients who are confined to a chair, it is wise to include some form of a weight bearing, or weight resistance, exercise program. For those who can stand, Chair Yoga is another weight bearing exercise that will stimulate bone building.With progressive weight resistance, you use free weights or machines, but with Yoga you bear your ow...more
Yoga For Health
...that improve bodily strength and endurance. 4) Pranayama: This is the regimen for regulating breathing. It keeps the body healthy and the mind calm. 5) Pratiyakara: This refers to the withdrawal of the mind from worldly affairs and the control of the senses. 6) Dharana: This is the art of concentrating on a specific object. 7) Dhayana: Deep meditation. 8) Samadhi: This is t...more
Purpose of Yoga - Reasoning With Fundamentalism in spiritual health.If Yoga were a religious vehicle alone, it would be the most tolerant path to God. No one is turned away from an ashram, Yoga center, or a Yoga studio because of religion, nationality, race, gender, color, age, or any other reason, to discriminate. Why? Discrimination, intolerance, and hate are morally wrong...more
Yoga Teacher Tips: Most Common Yoga Student Corrections
...ed to be reminded to keep the back arm level. It feels normal to them when the back arm is lower. Tree Pose: Are some of your students are pressing the foot against the side of the knee on the balancing leg? The knee is not designed to take pressure from the side. This could cause premature wear over time. The foo...more
Gentlemen, Guys Actually Do Yoga
...rst championship in 12 years back in 2000, both under his guidance.Now most men who practice yoga tend to favor the more athletic, fast-moving styles such as Vinyasa and Ashtanga. Personally, I bow to the simple yet powerful Sun Salutations common to the Sivananda style of Yoga.I showed this routine and some other balancing poses to a couple of friends once and these t...more


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