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The Purpose of Yoga- Transforming Anxiety into Self-Mastery with Pranayama
..., high blood pressure, and more. Excessive stress will lower your immunity levels - which invites an entourage of life threatening diseases. Have you ever noticed a co-worker who is out sick all the time? Unless that person loves to take time off, the odds are, that person has a low immunity level, due to excessive stress.Stress and anxiety can disrupt vital organs and their ba...more
Yoga For Kids
...e their own experiences. Ask them to tell to the group what it was like to be in their visualized surroundings. Ask them also to share what place have they imagined they where in.Another approach is to create a guided imagination by telling them a story with a calming theme of some sort.As you know children have the most active imagination, they imagine all sorts of things. And at this point ...more
Yoga For Back Pain
...igh degrees of body awareness.The result is that even when people are not doing yoga, they will still become aware of how they may have been moving and positioning their bodies in unhealthy ways. In turn, people who practice yoga make better and healthier choices in movement, consciously and unconsciously. They experien...more
How to Incorporate Yoga in Your Fitness Regimen and warming them up, when practiced in high numbers such as 24 and upwards, these babies give you strength.Hey, Bruce Lee was said to do them as well as several Eastern Wrestlers, so it can’t be wrong.This is the very core of yoga itself.This exercise is a combination of Yoga Poses, Breathing exercise, Sun Bathing and Prayer. It is the warm-up...more
Office Yoga: Warm Up Exercises for Corporate Yoga
...he knee forward and back. You can also move the knee in circles, with one foot off the ground, but the hip and ankles will move with it, which is fine.Once both feet are on the ground, the knee is often the axis of movement. When performing Arm Swings, which are a common warm up exercise in Yoga class, the knee rotates along with a full body motion.For exa...more


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