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Facial Yoga - Is This The New Face Lift?
...ional side effects of facial yoga that may indeed lead to a younger appearance. Yoga is centered around the body, mind and spirit connection and the balance of ones vital force. When you leave a yoga class you will definitely experience an unexplainable combination of feels including increased energy, at peace, free of stress,...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Teaching Multiple Levels in the Same Class
...and address each student as if he, or she, were in an exercise class, you can still make it interesting for all levels. The less flexible students will need help with modifications, or possibly, need to use props.This does not mean that props are for the less flexible students, only, because physically-gifted students can benefit from optimum alignment. There is alwa...more
What Else Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know About Teaching Yoga Classes?
...cate verbally, and assist, if you have permission to do so. Always ask permission before making a physical assist during Asana practice.Chakras are the energy centers of the physical and astral body. Yoga teachers know about balancing and cleansing them. Most Yoga teachers are familiar with the seven ...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Building Self Image
...what you have and appreciate it, before going after what you do not have.When you decide to make positive changes, you may want to focus on one change at a time. Most people cannot learn to appreciate themselves overnight, but you can be thankful for your good qualities and then go after a vital trait to build your self image.Yoga teaches us to listen...more
Yoga - A Cure For Modern Day Stresses
...and spirit. The benefits of yoga include increased body awareness, the release of tension in the muscles and helps you to find balance in mind and body. The meaning of yoga is a coming together of the body, mind and spirit.There are many kinds of yoga one can study, there can be years of practice for the willing stud...more
