
Yoga Pilates Mat Exercise Ball Props


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Yoga and Neck Problems: What's the Risk?
...where you will feel a smooth and gentle stretch. If you don't feel a gentle stretch, I suspect those Yoga poses are not doing you much good.If any Yoga exercises hurt at all, stop doing them immediately. I have yet to see a student, patient, or client, benefit from doing any Yoga pose that caused pain. To continue f...more
Fitness DVDs: Great for Beginners at Fitness Training
... coaching, but for an introduction to yoga, I believe that we got all of the information that we needed.Now, don’t get me wrong. Of course I am not saying that DVDs can take the place of human trainers. But if you are just interested in trying out a fitness method, a DVD can introduce you to the relevant techniques, and help you to decide if the training method is right for y...more
For Depression Treatment, There is a Helping Hand in Yoga
... in Yoga Depression is a mental ailment affecting several people in spite of the side effects of most depression medications. Consequently, it may be best to seek alternative methods of depression treatment. One stand-out is Yoga and it has gotten my vote.Friends, research has shown that some form of depression treatment medication is offered to over 20 million Americans annually.Nonethe...more
Breathing Exercises For Asthma
... by the contraction of inter-costal muscles. Pranayama exercises should be practiced depending on what triggers the asthma attack. Dirga pranayama, Naadi Shodhana, Ujjayi pranayama, Shitali pranayama and Kapalabhati pranayama are some exercises that can be followed in asthma.BLOCKBUSTER HERBAL FORMULATION FOR ASTHMA www.healasthma.comButeyko is based on techniq...more
Yoga Teacher Training: The Spiritual Aspect of Yoga
...ence, and teaches us to accept what we cannot change.Therefore, spiritual health is enhanced with a universal moral code and faith in a higher power. There is no need for any of us to have a conflict, when we are just trying to raise children, earn a living, and worship God.The hardest task any of us have in life is to make friends with a perceived enemy, yet each religion tells ...more
