
Kundalini Yoga Yoga Ball Yoga Yoga Pilates


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Kids Yoga: Dealing with Anger Management
...without a competitive mind-set that can cause aggression.Controlling aggression, by attending Yoga classes for kids, carries over into the competitive aspects of life. We know that our children are going to face athletic and academic competition. Children are naturally competitive, and they want to win every time. This is a basic component...more
Benefits of Yoga
...f time.Be sure to have the necessary Yoga Accessories.In addition to the joint, ligament and tendon benefits yoga brings, yoga also benefits the body's internal organs. Yoga may be the only workout type that massages and stimulates the body's internal organs.All of these benefits have an ultimate one of keeping illness and disease at bay. Those performing yoga are in tune to their bodie...more
Body and Mind Detox - 5 Ways to Better Health
... The statements should be in the present tense.3) Practice Yoga - Yoga is great discipline for relaxing the mind and exercising the body. The breathing exercises that accompany yoga practice are particularly good for helping relaxation.4) No TV Night - Instead of automatically reaching for the TV remote control when you get home, hav...more
Digestive Disorders - Yoga Management
...tion of Parsvottanasana (Side Stretch Pose) and Dhanurasana are practiced to treat digestive disorders. Some of these poses makes you put entire weight on stomach, thus tones stomach muscles and makes these stronger as well as to digest food better and cleanse system of left over food, etc** The commonly used ayurvedic medicine to fight digestive disorder...more
Introduction to the Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra System
...aced.The seven Chakras and their main areas of influence, both physical and emotional are given below. The format is Chakra Name: Location: Primary Physical Influence: Primary Emotional/Personality Influences.1. Mooladhara (Root) Chakra: Perineum: Excretory Systems: Physical Security & Fear2. Swadhisthana (Sex) Chakra: Base of the Spine: Sexual Sys...more


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