
Kundalini Yoga Yoga Ball Yoga Yoga Pilates


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Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Wheel
...or the entire body. It tones the spine by stretching it fully. It strengthens the spine, upper back, arms, shoulders, wrists, buttocks, thighs and abdomen. It stretches the chest and the lungs. It stimulates the cardiovascular system, thyroid and pituitary glands. The Wheel gives a boosts of energy, great vitality and fee...more
Partner Yoga Explained poses or asanas, and breathing control or pranayana.Asanas are individual poses designed to increase your flexibility, strengthen your muscles, and often have the welcome effect of limiting the build up of fat. Each asana focuses on a particular area of the body by increasing blood flow to that area and i...more
The 8 Physical and Mental Types of Yoga
...ppropriate for your own level of fitness, physical and spiritual goals and health condition.The 8 most common types of yoga are described in this article and briefly explained to help guide you in choosing the best type of yoga that you can start with.Physical-Focused Types of YogaIyengar Yoga: Iyengar yoga is focused s...more
Yoga Can Help to Avoid Cancer
... release stress. This is done by practising conscious relaxation which in turn helps us to regain our inner confidence in ourselves.It may be considered easier to be directed through the suggestion of a therapist, or to relax your body and to ‘let go’ guided by the gentle voice of a Yoga teacher, but inevitably we must learn through auto-suggestion to release ou...more
Chair Yoga Case Study - A Path to Inner Peace
... true self.I quickly discovered that I cannot breathe properly when I slouch. Now that I’m more conscious of my abdomen expanding and contracting with my breath, slouching is no longer an option. I have become much more aware of my posture and how if affects the rhythm of my breath.In the short time that I have been practicing chair yoga I have received so many physical and emotional benefit...more


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