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Yoga Instructor Training - Teaching Multiple Levels in the Same Class
...ial measurement of progress in Hatha Yoga practice. A teacher should also be looking for subtle progress in each student.For example: Is a student able to fully grasp Pranayama techniques? Is a student present for practice? Has a student been able to successfully meditate? Is a student able to transcend his or her practice beyond the mat?In other words: Would you be ...more
Need Help with Yoga Tips for Starters?
...alk.This fact is especially true in regards to keeping fit, as anyone who knows anything about fitness and exercise knows that you have to start somewhere AND slowly, and the same principle applies to Yoga.When I mentioned to my friend that I practice Yoga, she asked me for clues on the best yoga tips for star...more
The Spiritual Art of Yoga
...s of practicing yoga are reduced stress levels and a decrease in anxiety and depression; a great benefit for our fast paced world of today. Yoga also improves the immune system and reduces circulatory problems.One simple yoga technique for releasing stress, which you can do anywhere, even while you're at work without jumping into any posture or physical stance. Take a few moments out and close y...more
Patenting Yoga - A Crime against Humanity
... just too vast a subject to try to own it.The purchasing of Yoga patents is a lesson in futility. Should we buy patents for mantras, breathing, good posture, and eating right? Those are also valuable components of Yoga, but one component of Yoga is not all of Yoga. Yoga is composed of many parts.Maharishi Patanjali wrote that Yoga is composed of eight limbs in h...more
Yoga for Beginners - Essential Requirements for Health Benefits
...practiced in evening also provided you are not too much tired. Do not eat anything three hours before doing yoga.Ensure proper diet. Make sure your diet comprises of plenty of nuts, fruits, salads and leafy vegetables. Chew your food properly. Do not be in a hurry when eating food. Avoid tea or coffee, if possible....more
