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Yoga for Beginners: The Second Step of Yoga Practice
... that “draws you in.”If you choose to study Hatha Yoga, or a Hatha Yoga sub-style, the first book I would personally recommend is, “The Heart of Yoga, Developing a Personal Practice,” by T.K.V. Desikachar. T.K.V. Desikachar trained many of today's modern Yoga masters, and this one book will help anyone develop their own routine.Notice that...more
Back To Nature With Naked Yoga
...ked or not, yoga poses are important and it is vital that the postures are accurate.Teachers also are able to see much more clearly if a final position is not quite right and can help the student to realign their position thus increasing the benefits of the posture.Whilst initially there may be some embarrassment whilst removing clo...more
Benefit Of Yoga For Back Pain
...physical activity to strengthen the area and to reduce overall pain. We too are aware that some kind of exercise is needed, but we also know that exercise could be ruinous.Off lately people have started having faith in yoga and repetitively recommending to their peers.Yoga for back pain reduction seems tells the practitioner to focus on bringing mind, body and spirit together and th...more
12 Step Yoga Therapy, As Easy As Breathing
...f the lungs. 11.Now exhale the air, letting it out first from the top and then downward from the stomach. 12.Repeat this ten times, using 'imagination of breathing in fresh oxygen'. Remember, that a standing position is best for this exercise. This technique is wonderfully de-stressing.These breathing exercises are so easy to do, take so little time and the benefit...more
Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure - The Silent Killer
...minutes everyday.For best results, you need to put yourself comfortably in a room, sit down, relax and close your eyes while listening to the music.To avoid outside noise and distractions, you could use headphones, however speakers are generally preferred as they allow the body to absorb the sound energy.You could also meditate while listening to music, listening to ...more


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