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How To Choose The Best Yoga Videos
...ould provide not only easy to follow instructions, but also easy to understand demonstrations. You should be able to, by watching, understand the basics of achieving each pose and each transition. You should also understand, from watching, the breathing patterns and focus. If you can understand the verbal instructions, but the demonstrations are unclea...more
The Five Main Yoga Techniques for Beginners Recommended By Yoga Practitioners
...hers are actually performed in conjunction with postures. All of the joint movements of yoga are gentle; they are aimed at making various joints more supple. Among the areas where joints are targeted are the legs, arms neck, hands and back.Yoga always stresses deep breathing. Deep breathing exercises relax the body while at...more
The Second Chakra, The Dwelling Place of the Self
...and¥ Kidneys.When the second chakra is balanced, our emotions flow easily like water, we are cool headed and vibrant at the same time. With a balance in the lower chakras, especially the root chakra and second chakra, we are connected to our creativity and focus.When there is a deficiency in the second chakra some of the signs are:¥ Fear of touch;¥ R...more
Yoga - A Cure For Modern Day Stresses
...eased body awareness, the release of tension in the muscles and helps you to find balance in mind and body. The meaning of yoga is a coming together of the body, mind and spirit.There are many kinds of yoga one can study, there can be years of practice for the willing student. Hatha Yoga is one of the most popular forms, it ...more
Yoga Position - What Does Each Type Do?
...shoulders and upper back.Inversions This type of yoga position develops strength and stamina, particularly in your upper body. It also increases circulation because since your legs are higher than your heart, it reverses the normal flow of blood. Inversions help pull fluid out of your feet and legs, so they are great to do after you have been standing up for a long time. Advanced inversio...more


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