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The Link Between Yoga, Mindfulness, and Weight Loss (Part 2)
...e, and the stress will get you too.Lastly, remember that weight control is not a mathematical formula. There are many intangibles that “fly under the radar.” Science cannot yet accurately measure the power of your mind, commitment, and spiritual health.Yoga is much more than an exercise class. At present, Yoga is...more
Yoga and Pregnancy Benefits
... skills learned in yoga will help a woman throughout the labor and delivery of her child and may also lessen some of the woman's pains and anxieties.As previously mentioned, yoga can play an important part in a woman having a relaxed, comfortable pregnancy and childbirth experience. However, the benefits of yoga do not end there. Yoga can also help the wo...more
Yoga Basics For Beginners great shape, it’s important to start yoga at the beginning….unless you’re a reincarnated yogi with a super great memory. • Ask the instructor or employees at the studio any questions that will help you feel more comfortable. 2. Do not eat for about 2 hours prior to practice…unless you’re pregnant. 3. Arrive to class free ...more
Zen And The Art Of Golf
... equipment and video analysis.Everyone seems to be teaching or learning the perfect swing, but little do people realize that almost no one has a perfect swing, not even the pros, even if we are taught the correct way in the beginning. Each of us has a certain way of swinging the club. Negative feelings has a lot to do with our swing. If you have a good swing, and negative thoughts...more
Kriya Yoga And The Nature Of The Journey
... it allows you to come to terms with everything around you. The aim in combining them was to "purify" the mind and soul, and proponents of kriya yoga believe they can achieve self realization more quickly this way than following the other disciplines.Kriya PreparationThe first step in Kriya is to 'prepare' your body, and that is done in one of ...more
