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The Six Branches of Yoga
...eneral idea about Yoga and its branches. Now, I am going to give you a summary about each branch, and trust me the more you know the more eager you will be to read more about it.Yoga has six branches, and they are Hatha; Bhakti; Karma; Raja; Tantra; Jnana. Let us take a quick look at each, to know the difference between them, ...more
Turning Workplace Stress into a Simple Stretch
...t and thereby relieves the anxiety and mental chatter around past and future events.2) Take a few minutes every hour to do some simple stretches.Stretching throughout the day will:• Reduce muscle tension. • Improve circulation. • Reduce anxiety, stress and fatigue. • Improve mental alertness. • Tune...more
Pilates vs Yoga
...a totally different continent. Another rather extreme difference is that Pilates was founded in 1880 and Yoga has been traced back as far as the Indus Valley civilization. While the individual or individuals who founded the practice of Yoga is unknown, it is well documented that Joseph Hubertus Pilates was the originat...more
Do Yoga Teachers Struggle for Success?
...? In a quick Yoga certification program, you do not have to learn about Yogic philosophy, meditation, Pranayama techniques, japa, the subtle body, mudras, nadis, chakras, or the causal body.If a person is taught Yoga as an exercise only, and then was trained to teach the public, they should be titled, “Yoga Exercise Instructor.” If a person has tremendous physical prowess and flexibility, they...more
Successfully Eliminate Stress Through The Practice Of Hatha Yoga Techniques
...uscles stronger, energize key organs, improve mind-body coordination and give the mind sufficient strength to stay cool and relaxed in times of crises.‘Pranayama’ is equally important to the practice of Hatha Yoga. It is through these breathing exercises that you activate and channelise the vital life energy (termed as ‘Prana’). When this vital energy ...more
