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Teaching Hatha Yoga - The Character of a Professional Yoga Teacher
...stilling the gift of empowerment within their students, which translates into their valuable life skills. Most students want honest feedback and recognition. When a Yoga instructor takes the time to remember names, give an honest compliment, make eye contact, and keep a sense of humor, students look forward to each lesson. Although the public is often deceived b...more
Chakrabhedan (Circle-Interception) - A New Kind of Yogic Exercise
...ception). This is very simple but most effective for making the body disease-free and concentrating mind to a great extent. The body has six major Chakras or circles. These are - Muladhar Chakra at anus, Swadhisthan Chakra at genital, Manipur Chakra at naval, Anahat Chakra at mid-chest, Vishudha Chakra at throat and Ajna Chakra in between eyebrows. These are ...more
Insider Secrets to the Business of Teaching Yoga, Part 2
... take payments, for teaching Yoga sessions, remember your family.A side note about poverty: If you have tasted it once in your life, you don’t want to taste it again. I found nothing particularly enlightening about going to bed on an empty stomach as a child. The Salvation Army Store has better clothes than I had. It did teach me humility and never to look down on others who are less pr...more
Giving the Inner Sanctum Its Own Room - Create a Yoga Room for Your Home
...f there are bound to be more yogis than yourself in your room, consider that these measurements will need to be multiplied by the number of participants.You will need a closet or a shelving unit for storage of yoga props, such as mats, bolsters, blocks, straps and eye bags. Here, you may want to store yoga literature and perha...more
Weight Loss - Benefits of Yoga and Exercise
... to this, they also welcome a baggage of health problems. With the intake of junk food, the belly has been increasing leading to obesity as well as plumpness. Regrettably, it has become a part of our fast lives, thereby depleting our energy levels. Yoga is one such art that has always offered best resolutions for m...more


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