
Elena Porter Christian Yoga


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Love Yoga? How to Find The Right Yoga Instructor and Yoga Class for You
...programs and at various centers located in different states. You can get information about your local centers on the internet. There are also many private teachers who conduct classes to give you personal attention.Though you may be very keen to do these stretching exercises, the key is enrolling in a right class for you which ideally has an expert instructor who looks in...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - The Eight Limbs and Student Advancement
...I bore the exercise-minded students, who want a "workout?"Cover a little piece of philosophy, in each lesson, as it is related to life in the present moment; just a short idea, without a big lecture, will do, but cover Yama or Niyama regularly.In fact, all of the Eight Limbs, mentioned by Patanjali, are important. Review the Eight Limbs and carry them into your ...more
Mind Body and Spirit Yoga - Benefits of Yoga for the Mind and Body
...pirit.Body focused types of yoga include – bikram yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Iyengar yoga and Vinyasa yoga. These types of yoga benefit deferent the body in different ways which include strength and grace.Mind focused yoga includes - Bhakti yoga, Mantra yoga and Raja yoga. The benefits of mind yoga vary just as mush as body yoga. The benefits include patience and concentration and can ...more
The Yoga of Love - Sacred Relationships through Yoga
... reactive and pleasure hungry will be unable to sustain relationships, just as they are unable to sustain integrity to their yoga practice.The fifth step – Love is a lifestyle.Yoga is more than an asana or a deep backbend. Yoga is more than a meditation done in the morning. Yoga is a lifestyle, a way of life. It includes vegetarian diet, it includes mindfulness of...more
Yoga Practice For Teens To Reduce Anxiety And Boost Self-Esteem
...ons they may encounter?" For the most part, teens have support from friends, school activities and family. But where do they turn when the support is not readily available to them when they need it most?Yoga benefitsDoing a low impact style of yoga, such as Iyengar, would be the best way for kids to experience calmness and empowerment. Each pose is performed gently and ...more
