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Depression Treatment: Pick Yoga over Medications for Anti-depression
...reams and emotions) tend to increase significantly after its execution. This finding is based on a Scandinavian study conducted by Eric Hoffman, Ph.D., that measured brain waves before and after a two-hour Yoga class.As a result, you tend to have more contact with your own subconscious and emotions. Moreover, after its use, alpha waves increases in the right temporal region...more
Exercising In Old Age - Keep It Simple!
... that combines fun with exercise. The digging, cutting, planting and watering stimulates most of the muscles and gives you an all-round medium-impact workout. It also increases strength and endurance, and is a proven stress-reliever.SwimmingAs your body is supported by water, swimming is perfect for preventing pain in the joints, especially for those suffering from arthr...more
Tantric Yoga
...rts, of the practice and true meaning behind the concept of Yoga. To say that Tantric is not what it used to be would be a very extreme understatement.If one studied the art in depth, focusing on the original archaeologically found documents, he or she would find that Tantric Yoga is on a scale above most other forms of Yoga. The focus is on such a broad scale, such a massive...more
The Physical And Mental Exhileration Of Practising Yoga
... and improves the complexion, hair, eyes and cools the brain.Mountain Pose - Tadasana The Mountain Pose is said to be named so as it promotes the experience of stillness, strength, relaxed power, and immovable stability associated with mountains.Of course there many, many more yoga poses for beginners, these will...more
Yoga - You Need The Right Accessories
... t-shirts, and men's yoga clothing. Essentially, you want to make sure that your clothes are loose and comfortable, so skip the restrictive clothing. Finally, you should become acquainted with the follow props, though you won't have to purchase all of them right away.You can buy yoga blocks, straps, bolsters, balls, sandbags, zabutons, ...more


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