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Yogic Pranayama Methods for Anxiety Relief
...etent Yoga teacher for Pranayama instruction. If not, you can still seek out a Yoga teacher, or Ayurvedic doctor, for advice.Never practice Pranayama to the point of feeling faint. If you feel any dizziness, slow down and resume later. Listen to, and follow, the specific instructions your Yoga teacher, or Ayurvedic doctor, recommends for each spec...more
...s. And sex? You can experience the best sex you have ever had if you commit yourself to doing these meditation practices everyday.Why? Beyond ecstasy is your Self. When you transcend mind through meditation, your heart opens, and your Soul becomes fully present. Although you may have tasted this blissful place for a moment, tantr...more
Part I: Yoga and Weight Lifting Go Perfectly Together
...ding and toning.The trouble with most exercises you will do in a gym is they cause shortening and tightening of the muscles. When you lift a barbell for bicep curls the objective is to build the two heads of the bicep, add strength and definition.The same would be for the squat, which is designed to strengthen the legs. The h...more
Benefits And Importance Of Yoga For Elderly breathing and meditation. It is a combination of all three which are very important. Pranayam is one of the basic exercises which everyone would start with. These are very simple and easy to do exercises. Meditation is also very helpful as it removes your stress and would get you to a place you could hardly know about.These can cure many illnesses. A slow and gradual process would help you ...more
Yoga Teacher Training: Becoming a Yoga Teacher after 40 50 years of age. Robin Kocina, President of Mid-America Events & Expos said, "The 55-plus market is growing six times faster than the rest of the population, and is finally beginning to get the recognition it deserves."Consider these words by Franklin D. Roosevelt: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Never let fear get in the way of a ratio...more
