
Yoga Zone Millburn Nj


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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - An Historical Text
...t yoga is both selfless and spiritual.The Vibhuti Pada can be translated “power.” The roles of the sutras in this particular book are to describe and help the yogi to achieve full awareness through yoga. It is essentially about attaining higher levels of awareness of one's self.Finally, the Kaivalya Pada means, again in Sanskrit, “isolation.” What this boo...more
The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Yoga Business
... has to take swift action. Especially, if this were in relation to a potential harassment case, where the management would find itself in, the middle of, a lawsuit.About Business: Yes, everything in this world is business, to some degree, but ethical business practice is much different from greed. Some thriving Yoga businesses actually contribute to many charities, he...more
Balance Your Energy With Yoga
...ubstances into energy. The expedience of this rate is based on a person’s metabolism, a process that is contingent on their muscle mass; a person with more muscle tone will have a vastly higher metabolism than someone who has a small amount of muscle mass. In other words, a person with good muscle tone will have much more energy that some...more
Ethics of the Yogis - Part 1 - Non-violence
... might even combine the this with Torah study. This series of articles, Ethics of the Yogis, will take an idea from Pirkei Avot, and look at how we might apply it to our yoga practice.Ashtanga means ‘eight-limbed’ and refers to the eight categories of principles that guide the Ashtanga yoga practice. The first limb, the Yamas, are moral codes that a core ...more
Yoga Positions – Positioning Yourself For Health
...itions concentrates on improving flexibility and spinal alignment while still utilizing breathing techniques.Supine Yoga Position - Supine yoga positions lengthen and strengthen the spinal column thus benefiting parts of the back.Belly Down Yoga Position - Belly down yoga positions concentrate on abs and upper body strength. Participants are asked to lift themselves from the grou...more


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