
Yoga Stretch Videos


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Yoga in Practice: Train Your Mind for Empowerment, Part 3
...s maintain the frame of mind that -success is “just around the corner.” Coincidentally, many students have this same positive feeling of hope and aspiration about their lives after a Yoga session.If you are not in total control, how can success be so close? Life has “ups and downs,” but innovators become achievers - when ...more
Why Should I Practice Yoga Postures
...res which put gentle pressure on the endocrine glands. The systematic application of yoga postures balances the secretion of hormones from these glands. When your glands are functioning properly your mind also functions well.Conversely, if we have any physical defect, it usually affects our mental disposition. It is hard to be cheerful if you are suffering from the pain of a stomach ulcer ...more
Techniques For Solving Everyday Stress Using Yoga
...body while you work by performing this simple yoga posture while sitting in your office chair. Grab the side or back of the chair then perform a twisting motion from one side to the other. Start with arching your back then come back to the initial position in a circular fashion. A good neck stretch can be obtained by moving your head up and down then side-to-side several times, Stretch your arm...more
Yoga in Kerala
...cted in stone seals excavated from Indus valley in which yoga postures were carved. It is achieved by 08 fold yogic practices.Yoga has three approaches – power, meditation and therapy.Power The wholesome objective of yoga is to gain control over body and mind. The physical and mental exercise results in the linkage of body and mind. Yoga - vigorous and disciplined exercise - provides controlling p...more
Exercising In Old Age - Keep It Simple!
... Though there are plenty of resources for learning yoga on your own, it is recommended that you start under the guidance of a qualified yoga teacher.Remember; always consult your doctor before starting any exercise program. If you experience pain, dizziness, breathlessness, or blurred vision, stop immediately and consult your doctor. Once you find a fitness program tha...more
