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Yoga - Harmony Of Body the philosophy that surrounds it.The Yoga word comes from the sánscrito and means “union” or “integration”. According to this discipline the man is a whole that includes/understands 4 different aspects: the physical part, the mental one, emotional and the spiritual one. The people feel and usually develop these aspect...more
IBS Treatment - Immediate IBS Relief With Selective Yoga Postures
... the cobra pose, take a deep breath and hold for eight seconds. Then as you release the pose with your face down to the floor, release your breath slowly, taking eight counts. Do this for three sets.Then sit or stand up and pat your tummy gently. You will find yourself burping quite a bit - don't be alarmed. Continue the patting until you feel that most of the gas has be...more
Exercise Benefits for Fibromyalgia Sufferers
..., endurance increased, lowers stress hormone, and psychological benefits.An exercise like Yoga has many benefits to the sufferer of Fibromyalgia. Yoga’s many benefits can be implemented into your life today. Hopefully, you realize the importance of this great exercise in regards to the healing potential of your condition and start implementing it into your life...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Is a Hatha Yoga Teacher a Karma Yogi?
...a, and Bhakti Yoga are considered higher spiritual forms of Yoga, Hatha Yoga is a gateway to character improvement. It is not wise for us to classify “superior” forms of Yoga. The fact that a young Yogi, or Yogini, is practicing any form of Yoga is a good start in life.When any one of us performs the work that calls to him or...more
Your Mental Energy Sphere - Book Review and an informative website where Bhaki Yoga or Karma Yoga is taught.Your Mental Energy Sphere is his latest work, and could qualify as a novelette - in that it is less than 20,000 words. Yet, to fully make use of this self-help guide, readers must allow space and time to contemplate what he is saying. Readers will benefit by reading this book slowly, at time...more
