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Yoga In A Health Club Or In A Yoga Studio - Compare
...YMCA, check with them about yoga classes.Local Health Club, Gym or YMCA: They will more likely be Hatha Yoga based, rather than specialized in a particular style (that is a good thing!).Minuses: It all depends on the situation, but sometimes the instructor may not be certified as a Registered Yoga Teacher or in any particular style of yoga. In addition, the space may be noisy a...more
Oh What a Feeling! - One Session and You’ll be Hooked
...l stronger, more flexible and fit, and of course, those feelings just get better and better after each additional session.Individuals of all age ranges often take with them a sense of body awareness after practising yoga; they become more confident in their own skin.The way your body will feel is just the beginning though. The mind feels as if it were cleansed of a stress-induced fog you...more
Three Great Benefits of Yoga
...ts of yoga that contribute to this. First, proper breathing is an essential part of yoga. This aspect alone will have a great impact on your heart health and your sense of well-being.Second, a good yoga session can raise your heart rate to the level necessary to achieve an aerobic benefit from it. Third, yoga makes you happy and happy people are healthy peo...more
To Detox or He-tox -- Turkish Super-model Deniz Akkaya Needs to Know
...elity.If that's the case, then Deniz Akkaya should be undergoing a He-tox spa treatment, for sure. Because she's had more man trouble of that nature than all of the Turkish celebrities we know about, combined.Just one thing though...As the Observer article suggests, Deniz ought to keep the spa treatment 'dosage' within reason -- not encourage a 'War between the Sexes'. Unless...more
Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Yoga Teaching Service, Part 2
....The above-mentioned eight search engines receive over 90% of all the traffic on the internet. Currently, Google easily gets more than half of all the Internet traffic. Some statistics claim that Google gets over 75% of all the web traffic.Yes, there are thousands of other search engines, but what is their geographic reach? Many of them are specialized search engines for a particular country o...more
