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Office Yoga: Warm Up Exercises for Corporate Yoga
...e the knee in circles, with one foot off the ground, but the hip and ankles will move with it, which is fine.Once both feet are on the ground, the knee is often the axis of movement. When performing Arm Swings, which are a common warm up exercise in Yoga class, the knee rotates along with a full body motion.For example: When you swing to the left, the right knee bends, ...more
Yoga and Relaxation
...ho take long walks experience many of the same benefits offered by a meditation session.Okay, let's talk about yoga and relaxation.Yoga is exercise with all the benefits normally associated physical activity.Yoga induces the meditative state just as if you were to assume the lotus position and empty your mind.Yoga breathing, an easy ...more
What Should You Look for in a Yoga Teacher Training Correspondence Course?
... International minimum standard for Yoga teacher training courses is 200 hours.Please note: This is the minimum number of recommended training hours. There are courses, which easily exceed the 200 hour minimum. Anyone who wants to become a Yoga instructor, should be competent upon successful completion of the cou...more
Stress Relief and Relaxation
... spot often, many times a day if needed. Consider learning about meditation or picking up some yoga techniques to aid you in stress reduction. These practices are proven stress reducers and just might be your ticket to a more peaceful life.Another option for stress relief and relaxation is exercise. This might be a high-paced cardio exercise,...more
How To Improve Your Bollywood Dancing Using Yoga
...turn to when this happens.Professional dancers need to go above and beyond to gain a cut above the competition. Dancers can hit a plateau and when this happens, technique is only maintained rather then improved. Dancers have several options to turn to when this happens.Yoga can be a marvelous tool in the...more


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