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Hatha Yoga for Beginners: Tools for Happiness
... No one is counting score. Self-study with Yoga books, CD’s, music, DVD’s, or Yoga teacher certification is at your own pace. Too many of us are in a rush without having a purpose. Enjoy the journey and smell the flowers as you go.Another tool for happiness and focusing is a warm bath. This is simplistic, but it is a wonderful relaxation method before Yoga practice, meditation,...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Communication
...erson upset us. On the other hand, just like everyone else, Yoga instructors are human too. We all make mistakes, and one moment is not an indication of our imprint on this lifetime. Yet, people will easily remember our worst behavior.With that said, there are many more possibilities. Perhaps the Yoga instructor is the one who is arrogant. We could blame the Yoga teac...more
A Guide To Sciatica Exercise
... Sciatica ExerciseSciatica Exercise BenefitsMany health practitioners stress that daily exercises for relieving sciatica are crucial for preventing repeat bouts of the condition. Aerobic exercise increases circulation, stimulating the flow of nutrients to all parts of the body, especially the spinal area. Strengthening sciatica exercise helps with keeping...more
The Link Between Yoga, Mindfulness, and Weight Loss (Part 1)
...oga, Power Yoga, Bikram Yoga, and more vigorous Hatha Yoga styles?To make a small comparison, I can’t really comment on the game of Cricket, just because I am familiar with baseball. I can appreciate the similarity and skill, but never had the experience of playing the game. Also, just like Yoga, Cricket requires time, prac...more
Yoga Beginner - Getting It Right
...hing and motions should be second nature by now, so you can begin to observe and emulate details in the instructor’s technique. Continue this step for each exercise.Many people will try to learn yoga, and other activities, by only using the method I explained in week three. Many instructors are guilty of teaching this ...more
