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Modern Benefits from the Ancient Practice of Yoga
...ip or New Age tomfoolery. Fortunately, times have changed and minds have opened up to the health and spiritual benefits of a yoga program.Western yoga has been used primarily as a form of physical exercise. The emphasis on the ancient beliefs and rituals has been put aside. Now yoga is used as a flexibility regimen. Its breathing exerc...more
Yoga in Practice - The Organized State of Mind
... the dog who tries to catch its tail. No matter how hard the dog tries to spin in a circle, the tail is always out of reach.Yet, time has not really changed at all. Time still runs at the same pace. Taking the time out of your day, for a Yoga session, allows you to organize your mind. You come back to your daily tasks refreshed, renewed, and happy. How can a little Yoga or medi...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Cueing Insights
... listen to it. If you cannot hear anything, neither can your students.You can do this as an exercise or find a “coach,” who will empower you to speak up. An honest friend, Master Yoga teacher, or a Professional Speaking Coach, could easily improve your life immensely. This might not seem to be a m...more
Hatha Yoga - Get Physical!
...'t go far wrong with 'Hatha Yoga'. It is very much like normal Yoga, involving:1. Stretches and poses.2. Can bring relief from stress and anxiety.3. It will help you to achieve greater levels of concentration.4. For some individuals, it can also act as a cleanser for the spirit.Body PurificationThanks to a fifteenth century Indian Yogi called Swatmarama, Hatha Yoga will help you to think m...more
The Basics of Yoga
...eep stretches that many people strive for.Yoga can be learned in a gym setting by a yoga teacher, or at home from yoga books. No equipment is needed other than perhaps a mat to sit on. There should be plenty of flat floor space to stretch out on and enough room above the head to raise the arms. Yoga is best done on an empty stomach while wearing loose-fitting comfortable clo...more
