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Practical Applications of Yogic Philosophy - Perception and Myth
...teacher. When you make an appointment for a discussion, find out what your Yoga teacher’s methods are. Does this teacher have patience, understanding, and compassion?A Yoga teacher is a guide, who teaches you to eventually become your own teacher. This does not mean to visit a Yoga teacher every so often, but it does mean to practice what is learned in each le...more
Yoga Is For Everyone - Women, Men, Young, Old, Rich, Poor, Homemaker, Or Athlete
...ung and it certainly does not matter if you are male, female, rich, poor, homemaker, or professional athlete. Yoga is an ancient practice that benefits every age and body. For women, practicing yoga can help in weight loss, muscle building, and toning. One excellent benefit of yoga is that women can even practice the art while pregnant. Yoga has been proven to pre...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Mastering Your Communication Skills
...oining of all natural resources from within. The same can be said for public speaking skills.To communicate effectively with a group, class, or a room full of people, is one of the highest forms of demonstration in our quest for self-mastery. It is one thing to amaze a crowd with Yogic feats of physical prowess. People gladly pay to watch elite ...more
Jujitsu And Yoga
... practice of yoga trains you to not only endure and tolerate such emotions, but it also encourages you to really experience them. When you are able to experience your mental and physical limits at their extreme, yet you respond with a clear and calm attitude, getting attacked and mounted upon by a 250 pound competitor or sparring par...more
Yoga - More than the "Aerobics of India"
...d while stimulating the soul. It's a wonderful method for exercising the body and mind. Yoga is the oldest known holistic system of personal development.Yoga is a wonderful tool for becoming better acquainted with your body, says Jyothi Larson, author of Yoga Mom, Buddha Baby (Bantam, 2002). For example, yoga is one of the best activities you can do when you're pregnant: it's gentle to the body...more
