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... important Indian texts such as the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita. Contemporary yoga is comprised of a number of different principles, and many of these are taken from Indian religions.The purpose of the postures is to keep the body healthy and fit. Practitioners will often chant, and may perform breathing techniques as well. Meditation plays an important rol...more
Yoga's Influence on Stress
...ractices, Yoga involves concentration techniques, breathing steps, and a series of static or moving poses. There are many ways that Yoga relieves stress. First off, because Yoga helps to balance physical aspects of health - such as increasing the immune system, improving digestion, and decreasing cholesterol - and because physical aspects of health and mental aspects of ...more
The Spiritual Art of Yoga
...ced world of today. Yoga also improves the immune system and reduces circulatory problems.One simple yoga technique for releasing stress, which you can do anywhere, even while you're at work without jumping into any posture or physical stance. Take a few moments out and close your eyes and follow your breath. Breathe ...more
Did You Get Hurt Taking Yoga?
...the outside world. We become more harmonious and more effective in all of our interactions. Our productivity improves.So, why do we get hurt at yoga class? A community yoga class instructor may not have knowledge about special populations. They may not be able to look carefully at each and every student. In addition, the instruc...more
Stress Management Tips
...ral positive things happen. Your muscles relax; stress hormone product is reduced; you forget about pain; your body’s immune system is improved; high-blood pressure is lowered; the heart and lungs are strengthened; and overall, you feel better!Learn and practice YogaThe practice of Yoga is actually a spiritual practice. However, with the many benefits received it has quickly become a p...more
