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Teaching Hatha Yoga: My Yoga Students Do Not Want to Practice Pranayama
... If you know the way, your judgment should not be in question, and you deserve respect for the title of “Yoga teacher.”How to mix Pranayama into a Yoga classInstead of teaching Pranayama to Yoga students as a separate entity, it might be interesting to combine Pranayama, with mudras, for healing. Anot...more
Have You all Heard of "Chair Yoga"?
...ery gentle form of Yoga. It is a wonderful way for people with physical limitations to experience the relaxation and increased flexibility that yoga brings. Many health benefits are seen with regular yoga practice, and now everyone can participate, even if they cannot get onto a floor mat.Now, in regards to instruction courses for teaching handicap (aka chair) yoga, according to the site's owner...more
Yoga Styles - Part 1
... ashtanga yoga is to create heat in the body, which leads to purification of the body through increased circulation and sweating. This style is also called "power yoga." It's the most physically challenging style and best suited for someone who wants the benefits of yoga but a good workout as well. Let me tell you something, you will be sore!Iyengar- This...more
Yoga Instructor Ethics
... also gets in the way of yoga instruction, when instructors do not recognize the point where they are not trained enough to assist yoga students with their needs. On the other hand, instructors should not abandon or neglect students.Students should always be referred to another instructor, or class, to allow them to get the most from their yoga instruction. The yoga studio needs to be a safe...more
Some Different Types of Yoga Poses
...angular pose or the trikonasana. In order to execute this pose you should be standing and position your legs somewhat farther apart than your shoulders while keeping your feet straight. Your arms should also be raised up to shoulder level. Next you should lower your right arm and stretch it as far down the right leg as you feel comfortable. You should also raise your left arm over y...more
