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Just What are the Benefits of Yoga? Yoga? There are several benefits and what’s more they include not only the body, but the mind and spirit.The word yoga, from the Sanskrit word yuj means to yoke or bind and is often interpreted as "union" or a method of discipline. Its ultimate goal is the union of man with God or the universe in one breath. Furt...more
Yoga For Digestive Disorders
... Digestive Disorders Yoga is a very ancient form of exercise which has great abilities to provide solutions to several health related problems even today. This is the reason why great many numbers of people have been practicing yoga regularly for years and living a healthy life, not just healthy body but also healthy mind.Yoga aims at working...more
Dangers of Kundalini Yoga
... our efforts will be wasted, as our energy will be directed downwards rather than upwards. If we really want to practice Kundalini yoga the best approach is to meditate and concentrate on the heart. It is in the heart where we will feel purity in abundant measure. Sri Chinmoy suggests:“If you wish to follow the path of kundalini, my humble ...more
The Path of Yoga Certification yoga before being an instructor. Some require yoga postures (asanas), such as headstands. Others insist that you must be approved by the instructor who is training you. Some certification courses can be taken online or by correspondence.Yoga is an ancient discipline that has traditionally been passed dire...more
Yoga for Pregnant Woman - Journal, Exercise and Position - Control of the Body, Part 1
... 1 If you eat ghee and butter, you become fat, but in yoga the more ghee and butter you take, the thinner you become. Yoga is a course of related exercises and postures intended to promote control of the body and mind and to attain physical and spiritual well being. Yoga's preserving effect of body is so profound that daily yogic routine can make a huge...more


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