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Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Yoga Teaching Service, Part 3
...r a front page rank. Some templates are more search engine friendly than others, so you should do some research before purchasing anything.In other words, you are not competing with every Yoga studio and Ashram on the Internet. My studio in North Providence is not relevant to the Yoga student searching for classes in Los Angeles. The keywords that I focus on are related to my geo...more
Exploring Free Online Yoga Classes
... Yoga Classes So many people seem to be interested in free online yoga classes. Some may just be curious while others may not be able to afford full yoga classes yet. If you are in search of free classes, there are a couple of things that you should have in mind first.The Benefits of YogaFirst of all, it is important to understand why yoga is worth your time and effort. Yoga has a great man...more
Insider Secrets to the Business of Teaching Yoga, Part 3
...I found in audio books from the self-improvement and business sections of bookstores.These types of audio books serve as an inexpensive coach, and when you put some of the knowledge into practice, you will see results. The number of times you play them back is important too. This will burn the lessons deeply into your memory. Yoga teachers need to build their sel...more
Yoga Teacher Training Correspondence Courses - Economic Sensibility
...who wants to hear it? After all, you have children who are your instructor's age. If you are an experienced Yoga practitioner, you may have contemplated practicing at home. Yet, solo practice can be dull as the months and years go by.You know the benefits and don't want to stop practicing - which is a possibility, if you go it alone. You have considered going to an onsite Yoga t...more
Karmic Yoga Where You Are
...inside, the divine spark, can transform us to do the work of Love in the world. We can do this anywhere, even on our jobs.How is your job? Is there a way that you can kick the meaningfulness of your job to a higher level? Is there a way that you can embody love on your job through your interactions with customers, fellow workers, subordinates, or supervisors? How about your ...more
