
Scarborough Maine Yoga Video


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Pilates vs Yoga - What Makes Them Different Makes Them Unique
...mething other than high impact aerobics to keep them healthy. Gone are the days of Jane Fonda and feeling the burn. And you can't ignore the fact that as soon as Hollywood gets its hands on something, it becomes an instant trend.One thing for sure, Pilates and Yoga are here to stay and are not a fad. They've both been around long enoug...more
Yoga and Losing Weight: An Introduction
...ches to take those few positions and to do them properly -- as correctly and slowly as you possibly can so that your body can be trained in an exact expertise and control. And the various positions can have various benefits on your health and your mind, as well.Advantages of YogaDifferent positions have their own advantages. Especially, positions that brin...more
The Roots of Hatha Yoga
...use the word “Hatha” is derived from Sanskrit words meaning sun (“Ha”) and moon (“Tha”) it only makes sense that Hatha Yoga places a lot of concept on the focus of balance. A type of yoga that teeters between two streams (the Ida (mental) and the Pingala (body) currents), Hatha Yoga uses the Shushumna Nadi (the current of the self) to open up various Chakras (cosmic points within the body that a...more
Karmic Yoga Where You Are we are if we can´t afford to just leave. We can do Karmic Yoga without quitting our jobs if we would like, even though we may need to, depending on the job.Karmic Yoga is not about the job that we are doing, it is more about the way that we are doing it. There are two elements to Karmic Yoga which are similar to the elements i...more
Killer Exercises You Can do Right From The Comforts of Your Home - Achieve Stunning Results
... do is to make sure that you have to climb the stairs to get something may it be even the smallest of things. This way you would work out a lot even without realizing it.Skipping rope- This is known to be one of the best full body exercise out there, and it can all be done by using a simple basic rope. Not only does it help tone your body up it also helps you remain fit.Yoga-...more
