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Yoga For Multiple Sclerosis MS? Yoga enables anyone to set goals. The physical practice of postures can strengthen the legs. In turn, a person who has sat in the wheel chair and put their walker aside, for a while, may develop the strength to stand with an assist and hold this posture with less fatigue.Meditation is also a valuable component of every complete Yoga practice. Meditation releases muscular tension...more
The Yoga of Love - Sacred Relationships through Yoga
... Our teachers challenge us, and we eventually learn in yoga that this is an act of deep love. We grow in yoga from the challenge of a teacher. In Sacred relationships, our guru must become our beloved. They will challenge us, confront us and therefore, if we can be conscious, grow us. All relationships grow at the border of support and challenge, yet...more
Practice Yoga for Anger Management
... answer, we can work toward a solution.Depending upon the exact source of our anger, there could be a Yoga technique to solve it. If the problem is anxiety, while in a crowd or traffic jam, we can work on Yoga breathing techniques. In some cases, we may want to work on our Yoga breathing (Pranayama) - before we get into the car.Attendi...more
Yoga Teacher Training: The Spiritual Aspect of Yoga, and emotional health.Today, Yoga has many more branches, and many of the branches of Hatha Yoga, outside India, are no longer attached to Hinduism, but the spiritual aspect of Yoga is still readily apparent. Most serious Yoga practitioners are spiritually aware, and spiritually healthy, as a result of their own Yoga practice.Even though, Yogic philosophy does not conflict wi...more
Yoga Exercises Will Banish Panic Attacks!
...rease in negativity and as such a person becomes more positive. This positivity goes hand-in-hand with the gradual resurfacing of self-confidence which in turn allows them to be freed from their isolated existence, welcoming interaction with their peers - socializing!Without doubt the benefits of yoga through yoga exercises is the safest and most succesful ...more


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